by Austin

February 1, 2011

January 31st, 2011

Total Distance for today: 31 miles
Total Distance for Tour: approx. 890 miles
STATUS: Staying with an impromptu host in Royston, GA. Yay! for just in time planning! BTW: Thanks, Shane Cobb, for buying me an apple pie at Burger King today. I didn’t forget. You’re the man!

Leap Before You Look!

Ok, that statement might be a little bit over-eager, but it captures my thinking pretty well right now. A better way to say it would be: “Jump, and your safety net will appear.” Whether you want to be a successful entrepreneur, dater, or person in general, it is absolutely essential for you to understand this concept and apply it correctly.

Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely believe in strategizing and planning for success. But I’ve learned something very important: Action that is strategically targeted toward realizing vision is infinitely more valuable than planning that is strategically targeted toward the same. In other words: Know where you’re going and have an idea how to get there, but don’t get lost in the details. This skate has shown me that trying to make everything align just perfectly: weather, Couchsurfing hosts, my energy levels, skating conditions, blah, blah, blah is a bit like trying to juggle too many slippery objects. Usually, the best thing to do is act strategically, but most importantly, simply act. Put it out there, see what works, adapt, and move on. You have to get your hands dirty, sorry.

One of my mentors, Al Curtis from the Insights Group, has a very interesting saying: “The Devil’s in the details, so stay out of them!” Most people would tell you to focus on the details, since you could get caught with your pants down, if you don’t. Al would probably encourage you to pull your pants back up and keep walking! You can’t move forward if you’re constantly trying to make sure everything is lined up and perfect. Creation, building, and success are pretty messy things. That’s why so few people are committed to doing them.

Want proof? I met my host and arranged for a place to stay tonight about 20 minutes before arriving at her house. This takes guts, but your task is simply this: Jump, and your safety net will appear. It’s the only way to live.


About the author 


From a 3412 mile inline skate across America for Freedom to a pilgrimage halfway around the world, speaker and life coach, Austin Szelkowski has lived an intrepid spiritual journey. Over the last 11 years, he has skated across a continent, built 3 successful businesses, been enlightened by a mind-bending spiritual awakening, and endured a terrifying dark night of the soul journey in 2017. His story brings courage in the darkest places – providing a sense of spiritual adventure and hope.

  • Hey – thanks for your text a few days ago – I wrote from the heart and it hit a nerve with you. I know it takes energy to send a text – so It gave me smiles ! :). You will persevere.
    So How do I sent you direct money – however so paultry? Are you eating well? Subsisting on pies at Burger King is NOT how one should get through this!
    And how does one send a package to you?
    Gandhi said ” The straight path is as difficult as it is simple. Were it not so, all would follow the straight path.”
    Just keep going! Always trust your small voice.
    Gandhi also said ” Every good deed is its own advertisment.”
    I want to send you some money so you eat well. I know thats not always possible to eat well, but try.
    Best! Pam
    ” If we are to make progress, we must not repeat history but make new history. We must add to the inheritance left by our ancestors. — Mahatma Gandhi.

    • Pamela,

      I appreciate your continued concern and support! I’m eating surprisingly well, as my CouchSurfing hosts have been very gracious/helpful. Of course, I’m still in that “I need all the help I can get” mode. I’m not one to go asking for donations. It’s not me, but I truly appreciate heartfelt gifts from people I know care about me and my cause.

      I’ve been very moved by your words of encouragement and wisdom. You have been extremely helpful, and that’s something I won’t forget. That said, there is a “Donate Button” on the right side of the main page of my blog. It’s about halfway down.

      BTW, I really appreciated the Gandhi quotes. I’ve always been fascinated by him.

      – Austin

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